Earth Browser is a three dimensional model of the Earth that is constantly monitoring conditions around the globe. It will keep you informed on the latest weather forecasts, earthquakes, volcanoes and webcams from all over the world. It also becomes a beautiful screen saver when your computer is idle. Here are just a few of the many features of Earth Browser.
Weather conditions and forecasts
Earth Browser gives you a very unique way of seeing the constantly changing weather worldwide. You can look at the globe from a distance to see general weather patterns or you can zoom in for a closeup on your favorite region. It shows the current conditions and a five day forecast for over 400 cities worldwide.
In the past five years the internet has created many exciting new technologies, one of the most interesting is the web-cam. Today there are thousands of cameras connected to the internet broadcasting images from all over the world. Earth Browser brings you constantly updated images from the most beautiful and interesting of these cameras.
“Live” Earthquakes
Earth Browser will show you the latest earthquakes with their location and magnitude throughout the day. Earthquake information is provided on a real-time basis by the National Earthquake Information Service (NEIS) of the U. S. Geological Survey. This is a very fun way to keep up with the seismic activity around the world on a daily (or on an up to the minute) basis.
Continuous satellite updates
Images are taken at regular intervals from 5 geosynchronous satellites positioned around the globe. The image of the clouds is patched together from this data to produce an image of the Earth as it currently looks from space. The images are automatically downloaded when an internet connection is present. Cloud images are provided by the Geostationary Satellite Server (
Note: Due to time lag between the various satellite images, some sections of the cloud montage may appear discontinuous.
Earth Browser is $19.95 shareware
Earth Browser is shareware, try it out FREE. If you like it, please register your copy using our easy online registration form at ( Get upgrade announcements and help to support the development of more great Macintosh products by registering your copy. Thank you.
• Worldwide weather conditions and forecasts for over 400 cities
• Webcams all over the globe
• Live earthquake data
• Volcanoes
• Satellite cloud cover is updated day and night
• Screen saver functionality
• Over 600 cities worldwide & add your own cities
• Links to facts about countries around the world
• High resolution satellite image with ocean depth colors
• Rotate and Zoom Earth to any desired viewing angle
• Online Help
Please refer to the Online Help window for instructions on how to use Earth Browser.
Hardware and Software Requirements
PowerPC Processor
Macintosh System 7.5 or higher
Quicktime 3.0 or higher
5 MB Disk space
Decompress the Stuffit archive.
Secure Internet Orders
Go to: <>
Mail Orders
Fill out the order form given in the installation package and mail it in with your payment.
Once your order has been processed, you will recieve a serial number via email.
We do not guarantee availability or timely delivery of cloud data. Earth Browser should not be used to support operational observation, forecasting, emergency, or disaster mitigation operations, either public or private.
Bug Fixes in version 1.0.2
• Crashed sometimes while in the city list view
• On certain machines the time is off by 15 minutes
• Grid does not remember it was on between launches